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Beth Alana is a DJ, Producer and Musician.
Her unique take on Techno and Garage has led her on an exploration of both genres, and the creative possibilities when combining both. She provides a rhythmic and energizing journey by crossing the boundaries of techno formalities, mixing the driving sound with 2-step grooves, choppy vocals and symphonic melodies.
This fresh sound has caught the attention of many dance music listeners worldwide, and has earned her slots as some of Europe’s most notorious clubs and parties. Her productions, dedication to the scene and diverse approach to music has gained the attention of many prolific DJs, and led her name to be featured alongside many electronic music pioneers such as Todd Edwards, Cari Lekebusch and Chris Liberator.

Recently her mission has been focused on a more introspective direction, rediscovering the sounds, genres and songs that influenced the formation of her music career. From these nostalgic music moments, she founded her new alias DJ BETSKA. She describes it as an audio journal of living in Germany, the UK and Ukraine, the common sounds she found across borders, as well as the representation of European dance music that originated in underprivileged communities.

photo by Alex Barchuck

Beth Alana Tracks